Tuesday, July 28, 2009

91: Mothman Prophecies

The Mothman Prophecies is artistically stunning, with lots of colorful and frightening visuals throughout the entire film. The scenes are beautifully dismal, I love the travel scenes with the light on the road and the trees. A creepy and mysterious plot with an interesting twist at the end, this film is an exciting and beautiful thriller.

Monday, July 27, 2009

90: Final Destination 3

A decent scary movie to watch with friends. It's funny, fairly interesting, and basically the same as the first two. If you liked those, you can't go wrong this one!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

89: Session 9

If you want a scary movie that defies the slasher flick... this is it! Watch it in the dark, but make sure you're not alone.
1. I thought there was a very good intro of characters, and the stories between the characters were very good.
2. The cinematography is RIDICULOUS! There were so many cool shots, odd angles, and interesting ways of filming common scenes. There was an attention to details which created a sense of foreboding.
3. The mental hospital itself is such a creepy setting to begin with, it just sets the mood for the entire film!
4. Definately liked the Cloverfield-esque filming for a couple parts... an interesting feature to the film.
5. The blackouts at random parts were CRAZY and the tense music completely enhanced the entire film.
6. Loved the Se7en style "Monday. Tuesday. Wednesday... etc"
An insanely creepy movie with a great twist and thought provoking ending. Don't watch alone!

88: Major League

Major League is an alltime favorite baseball movie of mine. The character are just sooooo funny! You got the pitcher with the uncontrollable arm, the speedster who always pops up, the "supa star" third baseman who can't field, and the ex allstar catcher with injuries... hilarity ensues. So many great lines, so many great scenes, and overall hugely funny movie.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

87: Donnie Darko

What I like about this movie:
a. I feel that Donnie's character certainly makes the audience feel sympathetic to the confusion and loneliness he is experiencing.
b. The cinematography and graphics are very cool.
c. Frank is one badass bunny.
d. The story is very interesting.,. the concept of time travel and all.
e. I really enjoy all the parallels between the characters and the separate universes (aka Frank's eye... Donnie laughing...)
What I didn't like:
a. It was confusing... which made it a little less enjoyable. I think if I watched it a second time I would enjoy it more (see letter e. above).

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

86: The Machinist

Ooooh looks like this Christian Bale flick just kicked another (Terminator Salvation) off the Top 20 list! Ouch. First off- the bleak, gray feel of the entire film just set if apart from the very start. As does Bale's shocking appearance. This guy really confuses me sometimes. Some movies he's amazing, and some movies... not so much. The Machinist is definately one of his best performances in my opinion. He really makes the viewer almost understand what Trevor is going through as the film progresses. Some stunning imagery is used, most notably for me is the refridgerator dripping blood which seems beautifully grotesque. The reappearance of crossroads and the subtley emerging hints towards the end of the movie are beautifully done to lead to audience to the ultimate conclusion. The white cell at the end of the movie is another everlasting image. This film feels like a mix between Memento and Fight Club... and that's an extremely good thing!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

85: Moscow Chill

Noooorman Reedus! He plays such a great bad guy/good guy type of character... and this doesn't travel far from that. The soundtrack is awesome, featuring Russian folk songs, rap, and rock! The acting is great though it it minorly hard to understand some of the characters with their accents. The storyline is somewhat confusing at first but still keeps your interest. An enjoyable movie overall! And NORMAN REEDUS IS SO SEXY!

84: Hamlet 2

First things first. ROCK ME SEXY JESUS! Steve Coogan plays a failed actor turned drama teacher whose ridiculous play is not allowed to be performed on school property. Which a posse of misfit students the play goes on in an abandoned warehouse... much to the extreme pleasure or shock of the audience. The kids are decent but the musical numbers are simply specatcular. Well worth it!


83: Touch Luck

Norman.Reedus.is.so.hot. And this movie doesn't change a thing. Even though he's a thief, I find his character easily likeable. He's trying to get by the only way he can and keeps getting caught in the middle of things along the way. It's a good thriller with an interesting setting and not as predictable as you think storyline.

82: The 10th Kingdom

What a great mini series this was! I remember watching it on TV when it first came out. All the main characters are extremely likeable. Virginia- the girl just trying to deal with her mother leaving her, Tony- her loveable dunce of a dad, Wolfie- the bad guy turned good turned bad... turned good?, and Wendell- the prince soon to be king stuck in a dog's body. It's a funny, exciting, twisted take on everyday fairytales.


Tuesday, July 7, 2009

81: 12 Monkeys

It was an interesting story with a crazy twist but what really struck me was the suberb acting by Bruce Willis and Brad Pitt. They were so convincing in their portrayal of characters consumed by instability and confusion and it really made the movie worth it. An all around interesting and exciting thriller.

80: Intimate Stranger

It's a Lifetime movie so I wasn't expecting much. It was predictable, but I was entertained for two hours... though it was 2AM in the morning. Nothing special.

79: Signs

One of M. Night's best work. It's a tense thriller without being gorey or gross (even though I do enjoy gore). Mel Gibson and Joaquin Phoenix are actually really good and so are the kids. Don't see Scary Movie 3 before you see this tho bcuz it ruins it a little bit!
"Swing away!"

78: Water Boy

A funny movie the first few times but I've seen it a lot... which makes it less entertaining. Bobby Boucher is one of the classic Sandler characters (along with Billy Madison and Happy Gilmore, I'd say). It's stupid, it's funny, and I particularly like those two guys that are in all of his movies. Plus Rob Scheider... YOU CAN DO IT!

77: Shaun of the Dead

This movie is the best romzomcom (romantic zombie comedy) I have every seen! But really. This is a classic movie that must be watched if
a. you're a fan of horror
b. you're a fan of British comedy
c. you love Simon Pegg
d. you're a fan of ZOMBIES!
e. you enjoy "parodies"

It's not really a parody in the sense that it is really quite humorous on it's own (I've never seen Dawn of the Dead). It's a great story, I love the characters, the gore is awesome, and it's a good action movie.


76: Roll Bounce

An entertaining teen comedy... it's funny and has a decent, if typical story. Plus I love Brandon T. Jackson.