Tuesday, December 1, 2009

121: The Blind Side

Loooooved this movie! It was such a good rags to riches story about Michael Oher, a football player who was given a second chance by a caring family. I really enjoyed it and I'm glad I saw it. I got tears in my eye when they showed the real Michael Oher getting drafted in the NFL.

120: The Boondock Saints 2: All Saints Day

I loved it!!! Sure it was basically like the first one, but I liked the first one so I don't think this is a problem... Connor and Murphy are back, and they're as kick ass as ever. There were some funny touches from the first one (bringing back the cat and the rope). Of course it was not as good as the original but still very much entertaining.

119: Wrath of Khan


118: The Voyage Home

Another good one.

117: The Undiscovered Country

Yes, I am a Star Trek nerd. And yes, this is probably my favorite old movie. Bones is my 100% fave character as well! "I'm just a doctor, Jim!"

116: Air Force One

I can watch this movie over and over again and it will never get old! Harrison Ford is the most badass president of all time!!! Air Force One is just so entertaining throughout the whole movie. Ford has some great one liners of course and Gary Oldman is pretty awesome as a crazy Russian terrorist.


115: Euro Trip

Pretty funny. The guy on the train is the funniest part. And the epic robot battle. The guy from Supernatural is in this! :D

114: Power Rangers

BEST MOVIE EVER! I don't think I've ever enjoyed myself so much in a movie theater. Adam (the asian one) was the best of course!!! *nudge* "you're supposed to sad, Adam!" Hahahaha. So many great one liners.

113: 28 Weeks Later

From the opening scene to the ending this movie has tons of gore, action, and a nice plot to go with it. The opening scene is great and it sets off the storyline of the family torn apart by this disease. The movie does not get off pace from there, continuing along with more blood, guts, and zombies. Entertaining.