Friday, June 26, 2009

16: I Heart Huckabees

This was a movie I really enjoyed. It was cute, enlightening, and a whole bunch of things in between. I'm serious when I say it was one of Mark Wahlberg's best performances. All the characters were so crazy and yet the seemed oddly realistic and extremely likeable.
34 Things I Learned From I Heart Huckabees
1. There's no such thing as nothing.
2. Everything is the same, even if it's different.
3. There's a blanket.
4. Take a little time for infinity.
5. Visit your local meadow at dusk...stuff happens there...there could be breakdancing...
6. There are no alligators in Africa.
7. Rocks rock.
8. Riding your bike with ridiculously large boots doesn't make you look like an idiot if you're a firefighter.
9. An elevator is as good a place as any to tell a friend you've torched his jetskis.
10. We may think we want "Pure Being," but chances are it will suck.
11. Be warned... Mancala hour can turn ugly.
12. Shania cares.
13. There is no remainder in the mathematics of infinity.
14. We always bring our own chains.
15. "Neither client nor detective may terminate case prior to resolution as defined by paragraph 314, subclause 'd'"
16. Mommy doesn't ask questions because mommy doesn't care!
17. Jesus is most definitely mad at you.
18. We'd all be doing the universe a favor if we'd just stop using petroleum.
19. Flossing or masturbating could be the key to our entire reality.
20. Don't call it 'the ball thing'.
21. Phil Jackson is a smart guy.
22. You never really can tell where someone's nose ends and space begins.
23. There are even smaller particles between the smallest of particles.
24. You will inevitably be drawn back to human drama.
25. It's no good talking when there's glass between us.
26. A fire is the best place to meet your soul mate.
27. It's quality not quantity.
28. It's quantity not quality.
29. Anything you could ever want or be, you already have and are.
30. Chop up the hating faces with a machete.
31. Some people may just want to stay on the surface of things!
32. Coincidences are not always meaningful.
33. There is no spoon, just the blanket.
34. How am I not myself?

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